After this playground, Andrew passed out in his stroller so we took the kids on the Monorail (just to say we did it and give Andrew a bit longer nap) and headed back to the hotel for the day.
We will stay together 4ever. The summer in Norway visiting family and friends was great. Time was too short though, and hopefully the christmas vacation planned to Norway will be more relaxing. Check out my fotos from this summer. ...
Fri. 27. Oct. and Sat. 28 Oct. Because the the Majors Tyrrell and Captain Clark are out of town, and because it is almost school vacation time, some people are confused about the schedule for tomorrow. Is it the SAME normal, regular Friday schedule! ... Or ask Anneli Aavik; she is coordinating the time for everyone to come to my house. Chris will be home from Narva some time on Saturday, but I don't know what time right now. Okay? Any questions, call me! 56469052 ...